We had such a great weekend in Lava! I love camping and even though we were in our tent is really wasn't that bad. We met my sister there from Boise and we just played cards, ate really good food and went swimming in Lava. The fireworks were pretty fun too! Can't wait to go back. Layne keeps asking when we are going camping again, so hopefully soon!
so much fun! i hope you had fun! the bras a just too funny!! hahaha!
Seriously? That first picture made my day. Thanks for that. Hilarious!!!
Yay for new posts! Layne is growing up so much! Looks like you guys are having lots of fun. I love that cute family pic of your guys.
Um, I'm afraid to ask. I will never be able to look at your nephew or husband the same ever again!
Lava looks awesome! My hubbin of love'n has been there, but sadly, I have not. I'll have to go sometime.
What a fun 4th!
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