Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Crew 6 months

I can't believe my little baby is 6 months old today!!
He has found his voice!
He loves his piggies!
He loves Peas and Squash!
He loves his Bumbo chair!
He weighs 17 pounds 3.5 ounces!
He is 25 and 1/4 inches tall!
Still not sleeping through the night :( But that is partly my fault because I can't stand to make him cry.
We love our little Cruiser! He is so sweet and smiles and laughes all the time he is such a joy to have in our home! I don't know what we ever did with out him!


Kaylynn said...

It honestly seems like he was just born! Crazy how fast they grow up! Such a cutie!

Taya Millward said...

He is sooo adorable. Just wait until you have your fifth. Time flys by even faster the more you get. Or maybe it's just the older you get. I can't believe mine is thirteen month already. sigh.

Kristi said...

He's looking so grown up, still adorable though.

Jen said...

Awwwww! Before you know it, he'll be crawling and getting into everything! He's such a cutie and I'm totally going to miss seeing him during RS!

Ana Lee said...

He is so cute!

Waters said...

I cannot stand it, Crew is a stud. I love the picture with his bumbo and him lying on the bed best. Really Becca he is a doll.
oh and p.s. Jackson didnt start sleeping through the night until 12 mo, my fault too. I didnt like listening to him cry either until my Ped said, its called tough love. okay, tough love. so I did it and now sleeping is bliss, until 6 a.m. when he wakes up for a drink then goes back to sleep.

Im sure Ill do this to my future babies too.

Waters said...

oh but my Pediatrition said not to start the tough love until 6 mo. I totally agree, any sooner is just tooooo sad. :(