Thursday, April 30, 2009


Well, this is Griz! Casey's friend Tyson sold it to us for 500.00! It is such an awesome truck! We just need to shine it up a little and do a little bit of work on it and then we are going to take it out on date nights! (Tyson and Jill you are defenitly borrowing it when we get it done and taking it out for a date night while I watch Pratt :) But Layne loves this truck. He calls it his monster truck. He always wants to go for a ride in Griz. So casey always takes him for drives around the block it is so cute!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Jazz Vs. Clippers

So, my sister Harmony and my brother in law Mike have season tickets to the Jazz games. They were so nice to invite us to go with them. We were 3rd row behind the basket. It was so much fun! We got to eat dinner that they provide before the game and at half time you get to go to the same room you ate dinner in and get nachos and popcorn and drinks. We had such a good time and it was so fun being so close to the players! We saw the Prophet up in his box seat watching the game, that was pretty cool. Thanks Mike and Harms for taking us we had so much fun! Oh by the way the Jazz kicked their butts!!!! Whooo Hooo! Go Jazz!!!!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Easter Weekend in Boise


This was actually in Utah on Monday after we got home from Boise.

Layne and Grandpa. Layne totally fell asleep.

Layne with his cousins Abby and Sarah

Easter Sunday before church.

Sarah and Layne eating ring pops from their easter baskets.

My nephew Luke.

Ryan my brother, my 90 year old grandma, my mom, and dad.

Harmony and Baby Sophia

My sisters baby Emily

The brother in laws and my nephew Corbin playing basketball

Layne and His cousin Leah

My brother playing and singing viva la vida, just a little bit of it.

We had such a good weekend in Boise! I always love going home and spending time with my family. We all went to the temple together and did my grandmas temple work and had my dad sealed to his parents it was awesome! And we had a birthday party for Layne. My sisters, my mom, and I all went to lunch and shopping it was so much fun! And then of course we had Easter dinner all together. It was so good! So we had a wonderful time and I am so thankful for my family and I love them all so much! And I am so glad that we only live 4 hours away!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Birthday Layne!

Layne's birthday party in Boise

For his party we did a big easter egg hunt at the park with all of his cousins.

Layne's party in Utah

Thanks Grandma and Grandpa for the new 4 wheeler!

He had to have a Transformers Birthday cake!

Layne I can't believe you are 3! It seems just like yesterday that I had you. You are the joy of my life. I love you more today than the day you were born. You bring so much laughter and love into our home.
these are 3 things I love about Layne
1- you always give me kisses
2- you are my best friend and buddy
3-you are hilarious and always make me laugh
I love you Layne Happy Birthday!