Friday, October 2, 2009

The Sweetest friend ever!!!!!

So I went out to my mailbox today and found this!
And this is what was inside, this darling onsie with a little tie sewed on it!

This darling home made blanket with elephants on it, love the colors!!

This darling binki clip!

And this darling blanket with cute little bugs on it! LOVE IT!

How cute is all of this stuff?

So the sweetest friend ever who totally made my day..... Kassie!!!! You are the best and so thoughtful! Might I add, she is pregnant with her 3rd girl and still had the time and enegry to send this to me! Kassie and I met as nannies in New York! And we have stayed friends ever since, even though she is in Michigan now and I am in Utah and I miss her so much! Kassie thank you so much you are such a good friend I LOVE all of it! You are so talented and when I opened the package I got so excited for my new little one to come and use this darling stuff you made for him! Thank you! And thanks for making my day! You are the best and I miss you tons!