Saturday, March 28, 2009

My Favorite little guy!

What would we do without kids? Layne is just hilarious and makes me laugh constantly! I love him so much and I just had to put these hilarious pictures of him on here. Those are Casey's halloween costume glasses and in the other picture he has his train conductor hat on backwards, which is way too big for him! I love you Layne thanks for always making me smile!

Monday, March 16, 2009


Well..... I have so many emotions right now. I was leaving to go to work today just enjoying the beautiful warm weather with the windows down the music on, but not too loud like I usually like it. I had about 5 to 7 minutes to get to work, no big deal, plenty of time. So I am driving and before you get to the intersection at 5600 there were some cops to the left of me just on the side of the road and everybody was rubbernecking and all of a sudden the traffic came to a complete suddon stop and I had no time to stop. I could see myself running right into the back of the car in front of me. I hit it going probably about 35 mph so it was pretty hard. It scared me to death. And can I say thankgoodness for seatbelts! It saved my life, and thankgoodness the air bags didn't go off, that would have really scared me! So I am just glad that everyone involved was ok and that I am pretty sure our truck is fixable. I love my husband he has been so good about this whole thing and has been so sweet and nice to me. I know how much he loves that truck but it just goes to show that he loves me even more. :)

Friday, March 6, 2009

The crafty side in me!

Well these are a few of the watch braclets that I have made. My mother in law taught me how to make them and now I am addicted! I love them! Not all of these are for me I have mede some to give away for gifts.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

My new hair color!

Casey thought he was really funny taking an upclose picture of me! Thanks hun!

Well I finally went dark! I love it and I love my Carmel highlights! So for all you family that live out of town here you go!