Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Layne Loves getting these little ice cream cones he always bites the bottom of the cone first!

The pumpkin patch

He had to sit on the Tractor!

We had such a fun Halloween! I took Layne all around the neighborhood in that little car. He loved it! He would walk right up to the door and say "trick or treat, thank you, Happy Halloween!" It was so cute! He got so much candy and he won't stop eating it! I swear, that kid can never get a belly ache! Casey stayed home and passed out candy. We had a lot of tricker treaters. Then we turned our lights out about 8 oclock and went over to Casey's parents house to see all of Layne's cousins. They all looked so cute and we had such a good time! Layne and I were both pooped when we got home we both passed right out! After eating a little more candy of course. The pictures from the pumpkin patch are not great because Layne was being such a little stinker! He would not let me take his picture, all he wanted to do was look at the tractor! So needless to say we didn't stay at the pumpkin patch very long, but we still had a fun time!


Hollyween said...

He's the cutest Thomas the Tank I've ever seen! I should have stayed in the neighborhood to do our trick or treating. It was sort of LAME where we went and WAY too much effort. Next year, I'm doing it easy!!

Mama Bear said...

Layne looked so cute in his Thomas costume. He was one of the most polite trick-or-treaters I saw all night!

Sarah said...

so cute! i love those pictures.

Jill said...

Layne looks so cute! I'm a little mad you guys didn't stop by our house to trick or treat though if you were just across the street at casey's parents! You'll have to next year for sure!

Anonymous said...

He looked so cute that night. It was a lot of walking for those little guys. I thing that is so fun that you have family around that you can just go hang out with in the evening. Hope you guys had a good time. Sounds like you are enjoying your candy as much as dayton!

Harmony said...

He looked so cute! Wish we could have seen him. We'll look forward to this weekend. love you!

angela said...

I wish we got a picture of the two of them together on that car, they were so cute! And yes thanks for making me take her trick or treating, she really loved it!

Misty said...

He is such a doll! What a cute costume! It sounds like you had a fun halloween! It sure does wear us out!

Ana Lee said...

haha, too cute! It was SOOOO great to see you and Casey and the rest of the Stoldts at the reception! Thank you so much for coming! Love you!

Kaylynn said...

Layne has the cutest little face! What an adorable Thomas! I love that car. I need to get one for McKinley.