Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Fun weekend with my nephews!

Layne with pink eye it was so sad!Baby Sophia on my bed
Corbin after his haircut I gave him doing his Uncle Rico pose!

Corbin before his haircut!

Me and baby Sophia

Corbin and Cortney in front of the Logan temple.

Kaela and Cortney

Cortney and Corbin

Cortney, Corbin, and Austin

Austin, Corbin, and Cortney

Austin at Kohls jumping on all of the beds!

Corbin and Austin playing Guitar Hero at my house.

Austin making his famous face!

Corbin and Layne

Well I have finally updated my blog! So much has been going on and I just kind of got out of the mood. Well in December I had my 2nd miscarriage. I was only 8 weeks along, thankgoodness, but it was harder than the last because this time I had to get a dnc. But we are doing good now and trying again! I just had to put my faith in the Lord and know that everything happens on his time not ours. I just came to the realization that my next baby is just not ready to come to our family yet and I know it will happen when the time is right. I am so thankful for the gospel, it sure helps me to get through everything in this life! So anyway that kind of put a whole damper on Christmas, but we did have a good holiday and can't belive it is 2009 and January is almost over! But we are looking forward to a very healthy and happy year!
So my nephews came to visit this past weekend. Corbin is 17 and Austin is 15. Corbin brought his girlfriend Cortney and their friend Kayla. It was so much fun! we went to Logan Saturday night and the girls checked out Utah state and then we went to the Bosie State Utah State basketball game. It was so much fun! And sunday Harmony came over and we made a big turkey dinner. It was my first time cooking a turkey and it turned out really good! But we had a good night with everyone and I just adore Harmony's little girl Sophia she is absolutly darling! But I love my family and I am so glad that I got so spend the weekend with my awesome nephews! When they left Layne just kept saying we are gonna miss those guys! We had so much fun together and I miss them like crazy!!!


Jill said...

Becca I'm so sorry about the baby. I've been wondering about that a lot but don't have your number to call you. I hope you're doing ok. I'm having a shower on Saturday that you're invited to. Tyson tried to text Casey for your address but we never got a reply so we sent it to Anette with your an Shay's name on it. Hopefully it got there. It's at Ty's mom's church from 2-4 and it's an open house. Hope you can come! Hope layne is feeling better too! :(

Ana Lee said...

I'm sorry to hear about the miscarriages. That is very discouraging. I am happy to hear about your faith in the Lord though :) Sounds like such a fun weekend! I hope you update your blog more often!

Love ya!

Hollyween said...

As you know, I know how miscarriages are. I hope you're doing okay. I'm sure you have good days and bad days.

and that picture of Layne? TOTALLY SAD!! Give him a big hug for me.

See ya tonight!

angela said...

It looks like you had so much fun with your family! Baby sophia is sooo cute!

CortEmPeterson said...

Becca so sorry to hear about your miscarriage. It sounds like you and your family are doing good. Harmony's baby is darling!

Waters said...

Im really sorry you had to experience the suffering from miscarriages. What a horrible thing to go through. I do know that you are a strong woman Becca and I know that you handeled it beautifully. Bless your heart. Youll get your 2nd baby girl/boy real soon. :)