Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Layne's First Day of Preschool!

In front of Teacher Misty's houseWalking to school

His New DC shoes, he loves them!

How stinkin cute is this little guy?! He was so excited to start school today and he loved it! I can't believe he is already in preschool, it feels like he should still be Crew's age! When I took Layne for a check up about a month ago he weighed: 4o pounds and was 42 inches tall! He was 75th percentile for height and weight. He is my little growing boy!
Things that layne loves:
Hot wheel cars, he has over 100 of them and has almost all of them memorized, he can tell you the name of almost every car!
He loves cereal, peanut butter sandwiches, cheetos, brownies, sprinkle cookies from Mrs. Fields, Rolls and pink butter from Maddox, French fries, cinnamon and sugar toast, strawberry milk, orange juice, sprite, root beer, Pretty much anything that is not healthy, he likes it! He finally tried a corn dog last night for the first time! Yay!
He can almost ride a 2 wheel bike with no training wheels!
He loves to play outside.
He always wants a friend over to play with. Some of his friends are Coltrin, Carson, Anthony, Ty. And he loves his cousins Jerrett, and Easton. He has had Jerrett over to spend the night a couple of times, and he has his first sleep over at his house a few months ago and did great!
He is totally into John Wayne and always wants to watch his movies. He loves Cartoons, Olivia, Diego, Dora, Phineas and Phirb, Little Bear, Franklin, Backyardagans, and many more!
I could go on and on. We just love our little Layne, he constently makes us laugh and is saying and doing the funniest things. He defenitly keeps us entertained. We love you Layne, and we hope you have a great year in preschool and learn a lot!


Sarah said...

so cute! he's going to have so much fun at Misty's. she does such an awesome job!!!

Harmony said...

Oh he is just so cute? i love his little shoes. WHat a big boy! BTW - your background paper is way cute!

Kaylynn said...

He looks so grown up with that backpack on! I can't believe our babies are old enough to go the preschool!

Jen said...

Big guy on campus!