Wednesday, September 1, 2010

We won this!!!!!! ........

A 42 inch flat screen tv at Remax's pool party tonight at the Roy aquatic center!!! It was the biggest prize of the night!! We have been wanting one forever and have almost put one on credit like 5 times but kept deciding it was not worth going into debt for it, well it payed off because we won it out of like 300 people that were there!!! We are so excited!!! And we had a great time at the party with our kids and Casey's family. Thanks Remax for an awesome night! We have the best realitor ever!!


Holly said...

That's crazy cool. Jeremy wants one so badly but we can't justify it yet when we have two working regular TVs. Maybe something like that will happen to us :)

Harmony said...

I still can't beleive you won that. Awesome!! Cute pics. Looks like you guys had fun!

Rye said...

Hi, so you found my blog and so I thought i would check yours out! The funny thing about our Crews is that my name is Ryann so I told my husband that incase we didn't have a girl (and since its a boy name) we should name him Crew Ryan. funny huh. He didn't go for it. That would have been crazy!

Kaylynn said...

Lucky! I am so jealous! Send some of that luck my way!