Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Trips to Boise

I have had the opportunity to go to Boise 2 times already this summer and here are a TON of pictures from my trips!

Casey farming, he was loving it! I brought him lunch out in the field.

Feeding the chickens at my sister Rachels house.

My sisters 40th surprise birthday party.

Layne picking a spot on the map where Corbin will go on his mission. He picked Ghana Africa. Corbin is going to Fort Worth Texas Spanish speaking!!

I love going to Boise! I always have such a good time. I am so lucky that I am so close with all of my sisters and my brother and my parents and my neices and nephews.


Misty said...

I love all your pics! Your crew is getting sooo big! I can't wait to have Layne in my preschool! Cute Cute!

Sidwell Design said...

YAY! I love your family! So beautiful!